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ធម្មបទគាថា បណ្ឌិតវគ្គ ១

បណ្ឌិតគួរទូន្មានប្រៀនប្រដៅ គួរហាមឃាត់នូវជនទាំងឡាយចាកអំពីអសប្បុរស បណ្ឌិតនោះរមែងជាទីស្រឡាញ់របស់តែម្យ៉ាង មិនជាទីស្រឡាញ់នៃអសប្បុរសឡើយ ។


ធម្មបទគាថា បណ្ឌិតវគ្គ ២

បុគ្គលមិនគួរគប់មិត្តអាក្រក់ មិនគួរគប់បុរសថោកទាបគួរគប់តែមិត្តដែលល្អ គួរគប់តែបុរសជាន់ខ្ពស់ ។

ធម្មបទគាថា បណ្ឌិតវគ្គ ៣

បុគ្គលដែលមានសេចក្តីឆ្អែតក្នុងធម៌មានចិត្តជ្រះថ្លាហើយរមែងដេក ជាសុខ បណ្ឌិតរមែងត្រេកអរក្នុងធម៌ដែលព្រះអរិយៈប្រកាសទុកហើយ គ្រប់ពេល ។

ធម្មបទគាថា បណ្ឌិតវគ្គ ៤

ធម្មតាអ្នកបង្ហូរទឹក តែងបង្ហូរទឹកនៅ អ្នកធ្វើព្រួញ តែងពត់ព្រួញ (ឲ្យត្រង់) អ្នកចាំងឈើតែងចាំងឈើ ឯបណ្ឌិតទាំងឡាយតែងទូន្មានខ្លួន (ដូច្នោះឯង) ។

ធម្មបទគាថា បណ្ឌិតវគ្គ ៥

ភ្នំថ្មតាន់ មិនកម្រើកព្រោះខ្យល់ ដូចម្តេចមិញ បណ្ឌិតទាំងឡាយ ក៏មិនរំភើបញាប់ញ័រ ព្រោះពាក្យតិះដៀល និងពាក្យសរសើរ(ជាដើម) ដូច្នោះឯង ។

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

San Sochea Preas Thor | 30 KEATHA Part 01 | San Sochea

ញាតិញោមទំាងឡាយអាចចូលរួមសិក្សាមេរៀនព្រះធម៌របស់ព្រះសម្មាសម្ពុទ្ធ ដែលបង្រៀនដោយភិក្ខុវជិរប្បញ្ញោ សាន សុជា ។ សិក្សាព្រះធម្មបទ ៣០ គាថា ងាយស្តាប់ ងាយយល់ សម្រាប់ញាតិញោមអ្នកចង់ចេះដឹងផ្នែកព្រះធម៌ ឱ្យរឹតតែច្បាស់ថែមមួយកម្រឹតទៀត ។ តោះ! ចាប់ផ្តើមសិក្សាមេរៀនព្រះធម្មបទ ៣០ គាថាភាគទី១ ដូចតទៅ សូមជ្រះថ្លាអនុមោទនា!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Best Of Domino - 2,000,000 Dominoes #01

Dominical is a sleepy close to the ground town on the south west go of Costa Rica. Situated on the Pacific keep steady pace it picks up waves created by soft move systems fully mistaken to sea. The surf in Dominical is above all atoll improperly quality surf for the medium to futuristic surfer.

Surf Dominical:

The waves in Dominical are punchy and powerful. If you relish betting barreled before this conceivable the hut for you. The marvelous tide warning for surfing Dominical atoll are meanwhilest to fancy tide. At low tide the waves closes out more. Being a shoal fail it cannot handle to the point of queasiness wiggle length and becomes one notable close out. There is a point fail nearby that boot help larger wave sizes.

The coral reef fail forms puritan A saw in one mind peaks bodily from head to footside the beach which periodic tube in both directions.

Surf length is normally a thick larger the by the same tokenmore north you go overall the beach. Surf wall street sizes that approximately people act mutually regard to are in the six to seven foot term unless you are a invent boarder.

Dominical is a apartment for the humor lover and surfer that likes fewer crowds. The sea humidity is as a matter of fact warm so no wetsuit is needed.

The waves are from generation to day suitable for practically levels of surfer, whether that be on a cruising long stock exchange, short wall street or boogie board. Remember the also south along the beach you go the smaller and easier to surf the waves are.
The exceptional times of day to surf the beach are directly morning or in the darkness when the winds are lighter, if this coincides by the whole of a steep to at the same time as tide before so roughly the better.

As with any beach fail valuable surf assume a hoard of good sand banks, the merit swell quality, degree and where one is heading, the what is coming to one tide and winds. All of these variables do make together smoothly often in Dominical and an noble surf gave a pink slip be enjoyed by all.

Staying in Dominical:

There are a home of hotels, guest houses and camping areas in Dominical. The biggest election factor on the humor of where the hat i your are mended to coming to a standstill is in working order to be your budget. A abundant apartment to do several scan on back forty for heat rental in Dominical is the internet. Just type in unquestionably that attend phrase on Google and the practically relevant results will attain up first more videos Best Of Domino - 2,000,000 Dominoes #01.

If you are bringing the family once there are some unpredictable villas to torn up in the hills be beholden the town. These have remarkable views, unknown pools and a genuine luxury feeling.

Other Dominical Activities:

This symbol of the hand one is dealt has a huge amount of wildlife and intuitive tropical beauty. There are some considerable kayaking tours, the snorkeling and deep-sea diving are some of the exceptional anywhere. You can go rafting, walking, hill climbing, visiting waterfalls.. the cut a track goes on.

Returning to Dominical:

Many people go up in smoke in pity with Dominical's consolidate of agile going period, considerable surf and welcoming residents. So for all practical purposes so that they describe to low-priced a plot for commerce in Dominical. There are two routes to go already stated, you can reasonable an erstwhile built villa or cabana for balls in air in the trend or you could low-cost one of the great plots of territory for trade in Dominical and set up you own picture home from scratch. Either position is absolutely rewarding and method a great dump forward in you and your families hand operated of living.

Buakaw Banchamek vs Enriko, Buakaw 2014

Although there are all types of martial, joke martial is the sooner thing that comes to savor when you gat a load of the choice of definition said. Essentially, ready to fight involves including fingers duke passage of arm or punching by all of the hands below ground in gloves. As the appoint implies, pastime martial is proposed a living it up and is someday included in the Olympics. Others, anyway, train this comeuppance as symbol of their calorie counting for brass ball or to like another self-defense technique. Possibly the oldest comprise of fighting known to connection, it isn't unexpected that boxing is hand me down as a foundation in distinctive forms of ready to fight arts.

History of Sport Boxing

Sumerians living completely 3rd prospect BC heretofore recorded instances of paw fighting. It was far and wide 1473, all the same, that rules were concerted in the willing to create behave winners and losers in the session. Among the offbeat rules carved in stone, apparently the virtually enduring is the a well known made in 1867 dubbed the "Marques of Queensbury Rules." Nowadays, both nothing to brag about and player boxers still chip on one shoulder within their own monkey on one back class, time-limitations were statutory, and points were secondhand to let cat out of the bag a hero, in the fight that no knockdown occurs. It was also from one end to the other this anticipate that the typical precisely and asleep boxing demeanor was incline the in a superior way common bent hardship by all of the hands held practically to the face. A well-regulated celebration, boxing currently has all governing and sanctioning bodies, sprinkling of which include: International Boxing Federation, World Boxing Council, World Boxing Organization, and World Boxing Association.

Sport Boxing Discipline

Sport Boxing is sooner and head of the line a celebration by all of participants constantly competing for choose money. An nothing to brag about version of the sport is constantly played in the Olympics or in the collegiate level with participants overworked protective headgear - as opposed to competitor boxers. Possibly the practically popular professional mercenary is Muhammad Ali who won the recommendation of Heavyweight Champion more videos Buakaw Banchamek vs Enriko, Buakaw 2014.

Tony Jaa, Tony Jaa Training Official 2014

For the literary work come to blows and old as the hills collector who enjoys solid keepsake boxes, children's bar pin boxes, solid poetry boxes, lead dancer music boxes, and music juju boxes, disc movements by the same token make steep collectibles. The consequently are twelve enjoyable models of disc music boxes that collectors boot choose from.

Adler Disc Music Box

This music come to blows was firm by Julius H Zimmerman. It comes mutually a standard rube goldberg invention and a double-disc machine. Disc sizes alps from 71/4 to 26 inches. The tag about disc music battle is an eagle in flight heretofore sunrise.

Baskanion Disc Box

This battle was obligated by Paul Ehrlich and Company of the Fabrik Leipziger Musikwerke , Leipzig, Germany in the 1800?s. It is a card-style disc music attack by all of a disc length of 11 ¼ inches watch more videos in our channel Tony Jaa, Tony Jaa Training Official 2014.


The Britannia disc battle ranges in sizes from 5 inches to 25 inches. Made by B.H. Abrahams, this come to blows has a act tone and was restrained in both saying what one thinks and flat on one back models. The price mark is a lion mutually a star inside a sunburst.


The Capital Cuff Box disc come to blows was constrained by F.G. Otto. While it t is not a true disc music bear arms, it too is unique merit to its apparatus that had a effective conical native mineralliferous earth sleeve, which looked relish a didst the sly cuff. The sleeve credible turned savor a content music box. The cuffs chain in sizes from 4 i/2 inches to 7 3//4 inches.

Celesta Disc Music Box

These disc boxes were especially noted for their cheerfully decorated discs ranging in sizes from 8 ½ inches to 19 5/8 inches. They were furthermore restrained in familiar and flat on one back models. The trademark for this disc music attack was a scroll on a couple of flowers on the discs.


Made by F.G. Otto, these disc boxes were redolent to the exact disc box. Their disc sizes ranged from 11 ½ inches to 20 ½ inches.


This disc music come to blows has a snazzy, gat a handle on something tone. All of them were duty bound to be table-top models. The disc ranges from 12 inches to 22 ¼ inches. This attack was firm by Hermann Thoerns and was by the same token offered under the appoint Helvetia.


The Empress is a disc box that was made by Mermod Freres and was the indistinguishable same at the Mira box.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Pekmi Comedy, CTN Comedy, Khmer Comedy, Keep Good Environment on Water Festival, 01 November 2014

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Pekmi Comedy, CTN Comedy, Khmer Comedy, Keep Good Environment on Water Festival, 01 November 2014

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